Apple cinnamon cake

Apple cinnamon cake

The one thing in abundance in my family are, cake-o-holics or should I call them cake fiends??!! Honestly,one would think they know not any other word other than “CAKE” or any other food for that matter. Mind you,these are not kids I’m talking about,the little ones are more than happy with the odd cupcake treat but ,the grown ups…OH MY GOD !!!!

The leader of the pack is of course,my spouse,who insists that all my culinary interests are only because of his constant encouragement !!!!! (he’s right ;PPP…sssh !)
But ,seriously cake ,cake and not just a few slices..the whole cake,if you please. So,enter my loaf tins of many sizes,regular,small and smaller. Genius right ?!!  Actually I’m doing everyone a favour by splitting the batter into many tins,far fewer calories getting ingested,they’ll thank me some day,soon, I hope!
Actually,the truth be told, I can never resist a cake request…which is why not  many people have my phone number…lol ! I enjoy making things for friends and family and it really strengthens the bond in relationships when you give,in different ways !

Anyone who denies wanting to eat a slice of home made cake is only part human…lol! I mean that’s one of life’s small pleasures that you should indulge in.Also for me ,the act of mixing batter is so relaxing and usually puts a smile on my face when I think of the person whom I’m making it for…..fill it with love,there lies the secret of a delicious cake :))

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