Cottage cheese sandwich topping

Cottage cheese sandwich topping

While there are many cheeses available today,a firm favourite in India remains the Cottage Cheese otherwise known here as Paneer. Especially among the kids ,’paneer’ is the go to food ,in a snacky form. Universally the soft textures of the Paneer that take well to robust flavours ,are feasted on with gusto. There are so many kids in my immediate and extended family and they all love to eat paneer in any form. It is an ingredient that I turn to several times a month to pair with rice or roti ,to put together a satisfying meal.

The summer months and the scorching heat make me want to think cool and eat cool. So ,this dish really came about one evening while thinking up a way to serve my home made paneer ,that we religiously make every week ! It was unthinkable to serve it in a hot gravy or to toss it with heavy masalas or spices. Thankfully,there arrived from my mum, a loaf of delicious looking ragi sesame bread…and lo and behold,popped the idea for an open sandwich,using just the ingredients that I had in my refrigerator.

While I wanted it to be light on the stomach,I knew it still had to be heavy on the flavour quotient !!! As you can see the quantity of paneer is not much in comparison with the vegetables used.You may use more ,if you wish to do so ! I had to share this recipe as it disappeared from the table as fast as it was presented. Most folks love sandwiches…even better if it just happens to be a healthy one 🙂

Paneer on toast with loaf

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