Lettuce and orange salad

Lettuce and orange salad

Sometimes after a long tiring day,all you want is a hot bath and a light quick meal with no compromise whatsoever on the taste…a soup and a salad is just such a meal ! If you always plan ahead for the week,you can stock your pantry with ingredients that make it easy for you to whip up a delicious salad in no time at all along with a yummy soup. It’s always the empty larder or the foraging of ingredients that can be more trying than the actual cooking process itself ! Once you know what you have beforehand ,the putting it together is actually the fun part…so plan to stock your shelves a week in advance…and bottled ingredients like Olive oil , balsamic vinegar , mustard , honey…is best bought at the begining of the month !


While my earlier broccoli soup called for veggie stock and some other ingredients,this one was just steamed broccoli partly blended (you can see the bits of whole broccoli in the soup) with some sauteed onions,warm water and milk…quick and very yummy…some shop bought foccacia and nothing else was needed !!!The fact that my family love their greens and  that a friend shared with me her bounty of some amazing lettuce,definitely made the meal what it was…delicious and uplifting !
The perfect meal to rejuvenate you after a long tiring day….as a parent your day is still not your own until the kids are tucked into bed…at least for me ;))…so this meal was just what I needed to have the energy to keep me going long after the little heads hit the pillow and nodded off to la la land !!! 


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