Aloe Vera Flower poriyal

Aloe Vera Flower poriyal


Going by the reaction to this recipe at our home I’d safely say that this is a keeper. It made the foray into the ant monopolised patch well worth the effort. One i do plan to try again as soon as the next lot of flowers crop up.

Do read the link to the blogpost. (top of post) The thing that I most enjoy about impromptu conversations is the path that it unfolds for me to follow. Apparently the Aloe Vera plant grew profusely in most parts of India. The merchants who came to trade in spices took it back to far off continents and propogated it extensively. The Aloe Vera which grew in the Kanyakumari belt consisted of so many varities. The main ones according to Sidhha medicine texts were ;vaan kumari , Nat kumari, paal kumari and sen kumari.  Among these indigenous varities most have become extint except for the nat kumari which is edible.

Speaking to the Aloe Vera man Rama Shanmugham was a huge revelation of sorts .That and a big thank you to my friend Divya for introducing me to the concept of aloe vera flowers being edible. This one is going to be a favourite for sure.

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