Butter beans gravy in a bowl

Butter bean gravy

Ever since I was old enough to know that menu planning is a big deal in Coimbatore, I have also been aware of the fondness for dishes which feature the big variety of beans. Double beans , butter beans, mochai etc are ingredients which are looked forward to with loads of anticipation.

A child picks up on these things and it kind of also begins a journey where one reacts to foods in a manner which we are accustomed to. What this does is gives us some kind of roots into the people we are and the land we come from. For example , I love asparagus but I don’t connect with it in the same way that I do with the butter beans . Do you see what I mean ?!

The reason I mention this is today I hear a lot of parents who think that they should not allow their preferences to influence their children in any way. I understand that comes from a thinking where we want the offspring to be individuals in their own right….Let me tell you that happens either way 🙂

Teaching them about our food, customs, culture, habits etc by doing not by sitting them down to a class is a way of giving them roots to this land. It gives a sense of security, an idea of belonging to a land and its people. However challenged we may feel in a society it is equally beautiful to have a sense of belonging… Think about it 🙂

Hugs from my mommy heart to all of you reading this . Stay safe. Stay blessed and try the butter beans gravy when you get a chance.

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