French toast

French Toast

A Sunday breakfast may sound like a cliche but I so love to dish up a plate of delicious pancakes or French toast or scrambled eggs….it’s a time when the air around (like the people) is in no hurry to be anywhere or do anything in particular. In fact I would love to cook a Sunday breakfast for my friends and family….all they need to do is wake up , dress up and show up…in that order.

French toast with strawberries

French toast

A little dress up is nice on a Sunday. This is no ‘breakfast in pyjamas’ kind of meal…It is relaxed yet but we are also bright eyed, smiling and happy to eat the special Sunday treat.

in fact my cubs are known to come down to the kitchen and walk about in random circles…put out plates, knives and forks if necessary…rustle through the condiment jars …some peanut butter comes out, a hidden chocolate spread and then the customary checking of how much maple syrup is left in the bottle . That’s is my one guilty pleasure of using an ingredient which isn’t local (pure maple syrup from Canada).

Khasi mandarin honey

Ziro honey

This time however my heart was in the Khasi mandarin honey , made by this fabulous sustainable brand called ZIRO (named after the valley).The honey with its citrus notes is so delicious and I loved every drop of it. It is available online at

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