Pancakes (Emmer wheat)

Pancakes (Emmer wheat)


The world


The world is in such a different state today that it’s only the memories that can make us smile or be grateful for the time we spent ‘living’ with our loved ones.

One of the things I am most grateful for was that of being a ‘pancake mom’. What’s that ? …If you had asked me a few years ago I wouldn’t have known but today my outlook towards life constantly works towards the famous wise words  “Live and let live” . When the Mama bear, rushed down on a school day morning to whip up some pancakes for two darling cubby bears ,all that was on her mind was seeing that delight ,so innocent and pure, shining out of the faces before being bundled off to school.

Pancakes outdoor

Oh don’t get me wrong…there were tear filled and weepy days too. But who doesn’t have that ?!

The thing that I didn’t know then was that I had every right to be the kind of mother I wanted to be…the kind who wanted to make pancakes on a Tuesday morning ! The noise around me wasn’t kind enough to let me be. I did not understand what I was doing wrong ?! Who was I hurting by being the mom I wanted to be !?!

“Why do you have to spoil them by making pancakes ? Why do you have to drive them to school yourself ? Why do you send notes in their lunch boxes ? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE AROUND THEM CONSTANTLY ?”

When they participated in their first 10 km run for charity , I was asked (With a snigger) “Oh are you going to run beside them?”



Pancakes outdoor

Not all of it was unkind…some came from a place of concern, but the rest was pure malice and worse of all my kids had to be privy to it all.

I didn’t know then that I owed no one an explanation. So I made the pancakes, exchanged hugs, fought , wiped tears,fought back sadness and woke up again the next day to love them a bit more !

So if you aren’t in a ‘paying’ job and find yourself being a home maker and parent, shouldn’t you give it your best shot ? Or does that apply only to a career ?  Who gets to decide ?

So yes I am glad I made the mini pancakes, the ragi pancakes, the chocolate chip pancakes, the banana flour pancakes and always dolloped them with an extra dose of love.

Pancakes outdoor

I made pancakes again yesterday and we talked. I am no longer ‘only’ pancake mom but I am most importantly ‘pancake mom’. To anyone who needs to read this…go be the parent you want to be. It’s the love that matters…how you choose to show it is entirely up to you. And don’t let anyone tell you different !

Pancakes outdoor


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